Handbooks for Certification

You can download all documents for accreditation and certification here.
Do you have questions about accreditation and certification? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to advise and support you.

Anthroposophic Nurse Specialist (PDF)
Anthroposophic Nursing Assistant (PDF)
Anthroposophic Home Care (PDF)

Certification Forms
Exam registration ANS (docx)
Mandatory for Anthroposophic Nurse Specialists

Exam registration RES (docx)
Mandatory for Rhythmical Einreibung Specialists (only valid until 2027)

Mentor recommendation (docx)
Mandatory for Portfolio route in all handbooks

Consent for data publication (docx)
Mandatory for Anthroposophic Nurse Specialists and Rhythmical Einreibung Specialists

Personal commitment (docx)
Mandatory for Rhythmical Einreibung Specialists

Handbook for Accreditation of Training Programs
Accreditation (docx)

Accreditation Forms
Data sheet (PDF)
Mandatory for all applications

List of Criteria (docx)
Mandatory for all applications

Fees (docx)
Mandatory for all applications

Handbooks for Certification

You can download all documents for accreditation and certification here.
Do you have questions about accreditation and certification? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to advise and support you.

Anthroposophic Nurse Specialist (PDF)
Anthroposophic Nursing Assistant (PDF)
Anthroposophic Home Care (PDF)

Certification Forms
Exam registration ANS (docx)
Mandatory for Anthroposophic Nurse Specialists

Exam registration RES (docx)
Mandatory for Rhythmical Einreibung Specialists (only valid until 2027)

Mentor recommendation (docx)
Mandatory for Portfolio route in all handbooks

Consent for data publication (docx)
Mandatory for Anthroposophic Nurse Specialists and Rhythmical Einreibung Specialists

Personal commitment (docx)
Mandatory for Rhythmical Einreibung Specialists

Handbook for Accreditation of Training Programs
Accreditation (docx)

Accreditation Forms
Data sheet (PDF)
Mandatory for all applications

List of Criteria (docx)
Mandatory for all applications

Fees (docx)
Mandatory for all applications